Really, really enjoyed this book.
Simon Westfield might be the Duke of Westfield, with an extremely sinful reputation, but he his more than taken down by the lovely Lily Rutledge. Despite her belief that she is firmly on-the-shelf at almost 24, she is still drawn to the enigmatic Simon and his beastly behavior. Still, she knows that she needs his assistance with his charge, and her nephew, to help her with Oliver's sudden surliness ansd physical changes. With no brothers in her life, she is not quite sure the changes he seems to be going thru are normal.
Simon knows all too well the changes that Oliver is about to face. Knowing that the loss of his cousin had left the lad without the neccessary guidance, he finds himself in a more hands on roll. The initiation in to the Lycan life is not without risks. Risks he fears will drive the woman he loves from him when she sees the beast he truly is.
Lily knows Simon has his secrets. She also knows that the kind of secrets he is hiding could lead to the destruction of their young marriage. She had watched her sister suffer before her sudden death, and she was not going to let the man she loved escape from her.